Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Tjara!

Since you love these hands so much.....
Enjoy! I hope you're having a great day!
(sorry this is just a mini! I didn't have much notice)

But I want you know I went to a lot of pain and suffering to collect two of these clips from Person of Interest, picking my way carefully around the Evil One!! lol! not to mention having to work around Bishop, too! tch!

Music: Take My Hand by Simple Plan


  1. Oh I enjoyed it, much hands...dribble!

  2. Suzanne!! You're a doll... me's melting at the sight of this video... you think he can come and pick me up with these beautiful hands?

    Thanks so much!
    This is turning out to be a wonderful day!

  3. Those hand picked clips handily show his penchant for handiwork. And your appreciation of it! lol


  4. I love the Hands from Vincent, they are so tender. Good Video, thanks


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