Thursday, April 15, 2010

Extended Deadline for the CI Binder Project

The deadline for submissions to the Criminal Intent Binder Project has been extended to April 24, 2010. We're getting lots of comments on the Saving Goren and Eames Blog, and there are still lots of tweets. AND there is something new on the Saving blog, too.

We've created 3 online letters, so if you don't have the time to write one, just go to the blog and sign your name - we'll add your name and any extra comments you make to the binders which are being sent to the departing actors.

Now, I'm in a position to know the tally of letters.... and I just want to say.

CANADA, WHERE ARE YOU????? (We're being beaten by South America and Europe!)

I know that everyone I talk to knows who Robert Goren is - and there are lots of serious fans. Please pop in and sign the online letters - or send me an email with your letter. And there is still time to send one snailmail....

Susan Civitelli
P.O. Box 397
West Haven, CT 06516

We want these binders to bulge - and things are certainly headed that way this week! So help us out! Thanks!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Criminal Intent - Loyalty (video)

Very short, very poignant, probably the best I've ever made.

For all the loyal fans who mourn the loss of Goren and Eames. But in particular, to the CI Binder Project Crew. Thank you so much.

Music: The Music Box - found by fluke on the web..... I have no other info.

If you are receiving this as an email update, please click on the title and view the vid on the blog.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You're the best. You always will be.

From Loyalty, Part 2. The final Goren and Eames episode.

What's wrong with this picture?

Ross's Funeral

"It's good."

"Then go it alone."

"It's betray your partner day."

"I should try to talk you out of this."

"That's always been a wasted effort."

"You know what I want."

"Ya, this insane thing follows me around."

"Detective Goren has become a liability."

"You're the best. "

"You always will be."

"See you around, I guess"
And with one last scratch of the back of his head, he's gone.

"I won't be taking the Captain's exam."

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

One last Promo.... Loyalty, Part 2

If you are receiving this as an email update, please click on the title and watch the video on the blog.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Have you written your letters yet?

If you haven't seen the binders for the CI Binder Project, here is the sneak preview! They are filling up nicely.

Lots of people are just realizing that there is only one more episode with Goren and Eames and then they will be gone forever. Now is your chance to thank them personally.

The details on the Binder Project are on the Saving Goren and Eames Blog.