Monday, July 4, 2011

Criminal Intent - We want Season 11 with Goren and Eames (Video)

Over on the Saving Goren and Eames Blog we've started another campaign! It's called Operation Tie Clips and Skittles in honour of Goren's favourite fashion accessory and Eames favourite junk food.  Both Vincent D'Onofrio and Kathryn Erbe have said they'd love to do another season of Criminal Intent, so we'd like to see if we can help that along.  How do you join in?  Send tie clips and Skittles to USA Network.  Read about it on this blog post!  We've even had the thumbs up from Dick Wolf.

Here is our "commercial"!  This is such a light fun song that I wish it was a full vid!  Thanks to tjara for introducing me to it.  You can buy this song on iTunes.  It's called You and Me (In My Pocket) by Milow.

Please feel free to embed this commercial in your own blog or anywhere it will do some good!

If you are receiving this as an email update, please click on the title to view the video on the blog.

1 comment:

  1. Posted the vid a couple hours ago via Twitter. Here is the feedback I received.
    "@VincentDfan We want Season 11 with Goren & Eames!" seen alot of internet videos in my time but maybe this is the best

    Thanks for doing this!


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