Monday, February 2, 2009

The Bump/Touch list

Well, as a vid maker, I'm always looking for clips. Because I have less-than-a-steel-trap mind, I make lists and one list that Magra and I started many months ago is the Goren/Eames Bump/Touch list. We had so much fun making this list! It's a work in progress, but we haven't added anything in some time (although I think I have some post-it notes around here somewhere....) If you know of another that we've missed, post it in the comments! We *need* to know.

Interesting how careful she is to avoid touching him.... And after Pas de Deux, he hardly touches her again, but that is when she starts touching! (if you want to call it that...)
How proper. How boring!

Suzanne and Magra’s Bump/Touch List

He touches her
on purpose:

 Smothered - as they leave the mother’s building and he wants to talk to the doorman
 Yesterday – on the street - after they finish talking to Ricky’s old landlord and before they talk to his wife in the fur coat – he almost whacks her on the back!!!!
 Maledictus – when they’re in Toronto doing an interview
 Legion – out on the street in the snow
 Blink – when he realizes they need to go see his father’s friend at the bar (they’re standing in the hallway) He reaches out and almost pulls her!!
 Undaunted Mettle – in the architect’s office
 Seizure – when he want her to look back and see Dr. Dwyer straightening the mess he’s made!
 Pas de Deux – when he almost dances with her!
 Pas de Deux – after she almost shoots Donny
 Pas de Deux – in the observation room at 34:49 minutes. Carver & Deakins are there. Wow, he really missed her – he has to keep touching her to make sure she’s really back! It’s so fast, I wasn’t really sure he touched her until it was in Vegas and I could move frame by frame!
 Mis-labelled – after they leave the room
 Gone – as they leave the Maritime lawyer’s office – just before they talk to the secretary
 Self Made

by mistake:

 he bumped her in Amends as he goes into Ross’s office – right after he and Copa have their yelling match and just before the CoD’s reams him out. On my version, it’s at 15 minutes & 7 seconds!

 In Blink – when they’re in the observation room at the end with Ken – just as Goren moves toward Ken to poke him in the chest. It’s very slight.
 in Vacancy when they’re walking down the hall and she is telling him about her drunk aunt.
 in Siren Call – their fingers touch as he drops the keys in her hand
 in On Fire – as they’re leaving the home of Regina and her husband, Eames stops and notices the face mask.
 in Vanishing Act – their fingers touch as she hands him coffee

She touches him:
on purpose:
 Pas de Deux: When she want the bomb squad
 Want: As she goes behind him as he searches in the freezer in the bodega
 Amends: Touches his arm close to 20:35.
 Betrayed when they’re sitting together on the desk and she reads the report someone hands her. She touches the back of her hand to his chest while she’s reading. (she does this in another episode, but I'm not sure which.....)

by mistake:

 The Enemy Within - she bumps his binder as they walk down the street with Carver

and we have other lists.... vbg....

I managed to get a few of the touches in in Too Pretty. (for some reason the volume on this vid was very low. Sorry! And it was the first vid I made with Sony Vegas. It was a steep learning curve.)

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  1. Now that I see your lists, I notice you DID work quite a few "touches" into this video. I really like this vid because it's a well deserved tribute to her. Kathryn is a beautiful woman who hardly seems to age at all! But she is also a wonderful actor who not only reacts to Vincent's Goren, but also has created a smart, strong, honest, caring, and witty detective, Alex Eames.

  2. There are more in season 10!
    I don't remember each of them, but I saw this screen cap:

    Also-- when they're under an umbrella Alex is originally holding onto his hand which is holding the umbrella. If you update the list, will I know? <3

    Also-- has everyone but me given up hope on a very shippy season 12?! Is there anything I can sign or join...? Because I hear Dick Wolf never gave up on Ci!

    <3 Please write me back some how. <3

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    this video-- 0.19 seconds. she touches him!!! i never noticed this before!!! its' a good one too, not accidental!!!


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